Greek Alphabet

The Greek Alphabet
The Greek Alphabet

The Greek Alphabet

The Greek Alphabet

The word “Alphabet” comes from the two first letters of the Greek Alphabet: Alfa and Beta. Because many of the Greek letters are different from the Latin ones, this becomes something of a deterrent for those trying to learn the language, and the expression “It’s all Greek to me” tells a lot about the attitude many people have towards Greek.

A lot of the Greek words are actually words we use in our own languages.
It is a difficult language but it’s not so difficult that you can’t learn it.

Α, α = Alfa
Β, β = Vita
Γ, γ = Gamma
Δ, δ = Delta
Ε, ε = Epsilon
Ζ, ζ = Zita
Η, η = Ita
Θ, θ = Thita
Ι, ι = Yiota
Κ, κ = Kappa
Λ, λ = Lamda
Μ, μ = Mi
Ν, ν = Ni
Ξ, ξ = Xi (Ksi)
Ο, ο = Omikron
Π, π = Pi
Ρ, ρ = Ro
Σ, σ = Sigma
Τ, τ = Taff
Υ, υ = Ipsilon
Φ, φ = Fi
Χ, χ = XI
Ψ, ψ = Psi
Ω, ω = Omega

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